My Fat Life

Friday, September 29, 2006

My So Called LiFe

Why me . . . why do i have to put up with peole that just drive me crazy. Who you may ask is driving me crazy FAMILY yes i know but if you were to stay with my family for jsut a few days then you would relize how stinkin crazy there are. I really cant take it as much as i love them they just drive me crazy and i really cant stand it any more. I dont know if it is a just a teenaager thing that i am going through or what but i really cnat take it any more. My life sometimes i feel soo upside down, all these emotions go thorugh my head all the whlie my parents tell me about what I CANT DO it just make me want to scream . . . . . . . i dont know why i let all this stuff has me filling this way. Most of the time i just let it roll off my sholders but latley i have been felling like really crazy i think it is the new school year. As i went to senior sin up as i called it i was told the i would be held back soo now i am a jr all over well for this semester at least but still its embearassing to ahve eveyone watch you walk into a jr homeroome knowing that you are a senior just like them? ! ! ! ! ! i dont like this i dont like it one bit . . . . but i guess that what i get for fooling aroud all this time. And how do my parents react . . . well at first they were very understanding but now everytime i look up they are throughing that in my face like that is what i need to hear like i really need that thrown in my face every 20 sec. . . . . . do u think i need to hear that HECK NO! ! ! ! ! ! But once again that is what i get . . . that is what i get for fooling around all those years. . . . . but then i think do u really deserve that i no i messed up i know i mad a mistak but i am only human.l i will keep on lifing my soo called life . . . . . PEACE

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

My News

John F.Kennedy high School ROBED . . . . . . did any one but me think that, that was just a little bit crazzzyyyy! ! ! One day last year I arive at school only to have the cops and techaer yealling at me telling me to head in the Gym and stay calm! ! ! ! I was like WoooooHoooooWoooo what happen???? Then they tell us to head on to the fiels . . . . . why who knows but all i know was that i was mad that i had missed my breakfast :) a sista gotta eat you know what u mean (maybe u dont) but i was mad my grandma had called me to tell me that our school was on the news and someone was still inside WHAT . . . . . that was some crazy news to hear everyone one was going B.A.N.A.N.A.S and I was like where is my food i am hungry but no one was listening. So it was really getting hot outside and i was hungry and the teacher we all acting as if we had just been attacked by crazy monkey, i mena the teachers were more scared and sader then the students???? (is sader ever a word???)

Once i got home and watched the news i saw that a studnet had die not too long ago and was and a former studnet here at JFK i was very heartbrekaing to hear that they (stupid robber) had stole all the money that we as a school had raised for him i was pissed off the hear some mess like that. That is not all that they took but that is what really hit hardest!>!>!!>!>!>!>!>!>!

Monday, September 25, 2006


I really dont know what to talk about my life really has been on off mode. But i did go to U.Studios over the last weekend and that was much fun i had never been soo it was a reall cool treat for me. I went with my hole family and we got on this ride well really it was a tour. it was really scary and fun and intersting all grovvy all at the same time. It took us all along the park of the park and showed us all of the fill making secrets. My favorite part was when we got to into to sound stage and we were going through it was kinnda scary now that i think of it but thing again i am or can be a lil punk at time :). They showed us all of many set froms one such as Jaws and Despret Housewifes. we should go on a field trip there???

Monday, September 18, 2006


Today in the world Big Gals have finnaly mad a BIG BREAK THOUGH. Mo'Nquie jas started a new life for all of us big gals and its call Mo'Nquies fat chance. Me nad my mom call it Fat therapy. :)Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Not too many people know about this it was in the news soo i am just gonna drop a little knowledge on you. This lovely show is for the large and sexy only no skinny!! And what they do in this show is they take big gals like my slef and just talk to us do thing with us we would were too afaird to do before like ride hourse because we a re too big or go to the spa because we have waaayyyy too many rools :) and we or they i should say get to meet Mo'Nquie(i alredy have) and sepn time with hey they modle pjs, and fromal gowns the winner of it all wins a 50,000$$$ modleing contract and losts of fame. soo Next time you seea big Gal ask yous slef could i be the next Miss.F.A.T???? i know i can! ! ! !